Community Nervous System School

We see that when we gather with others to learn about our nervous systems, we heal old paradigms of survival that tell us to

power through, avoid, react, defend, withdrawal—

We learn we are actually quite similar, and this allows us to disentangle blame and shame from our experience to gain foresight for a longterm plan that serve the whole.

From processing the pandemic, to releasing anger, full & new moon ceremonies, to holding space for grief, detoxing saunas, and other gatherings…

when we feel together, we heal together.



January 19th

Virtual @ 6pm PST
Your Nervous System

FREE (donations welcome)

“Nervous system” is quite the buzzword these days- but do you feel like you really understand what the buzz is all about and how it works in healing?

To understand how to begin to heal the story, we must learn the biology of the body’s experience of the story.

In this class we will talk about the nervous system, and all the basics you need to know that you weren’t taught in grade school.

This class is for everyone, with down to earth explanations and approachable practices.

Here’s some of what we will explore:

  • how the nervous system operates (polyvagal theory).

  • how it’s connected to your emotions and intuition and how we can better utilize these gifts..

  • senses built into your nervous system (beyond taste, smell, sight, etc).

  • “regulation” tips and how to be with what you feel.

  • tuning into your own energy (window of tolerance).

  • practicing presence and why it’s so nurturing.

No verbal or group participation is necessary.

Replay available if you can’t make it live.

Pandemic Processing

Pandemic Processing

***Pandemic Processing available for groups (work, church, communities, families)***

Process groups can be a powerful way to experiment with new ways of being together and to have a profound sense of connection around shared experiences.

Inspired by elders who emphasize the importance of healing in community, this group ritual will be a practice of holding safe space for each participant to share their experiences. As the saying goes, 'What doesn't get expressed gets suppressed." Our body holds these stories. Come heal and move towards thriving in these difficult times.

What shifts have happened in your life in these pandemic years?

What have you learned about yourself?

Have you processed all the craziness we are going through individually and collectively?

What needs witnessing and releasing?

If you've been wanting to work through the stress of the pandemic this will be an invaluable community practice. You'll take away some somatic experiencing tools, learn about your nervous system, practice healthy empathetic boundaries, and feel the empowerment and connection of a community ritual.

Facilitated by Tiffany Trimble-Gardner. Costs vary depending of group size and include specific nervous system teachings, somatic techniques, movement practices, and group processing. Sessions are generally 3 hours long, and interspersed with movement and practices to ensure the time is digestible and effective, without being overwhelming.

View Event →

What People Are Saying

“Thank you so very much Jesse and Tiffany for today.  It was amazing and powerful and I feel lighter and more clear than I have in a long time.

I hope you both will have other processing sessions in the future. Thanks again!”

“I LOVED it so much! I thought it was so helpful. As far as feedback goes, I think that the structure was tailored really really well for neurodivergent people like myself. I had so little anxiety, because there was clear structure and organizing of what was going to happen, with repeated reminders of our own personal autonomy. I struggle with hyper empathy and I found it so calming to do nervous system stuff in between each person, otherwise I can get really trapped in my head wondering if I agree/disagree . . . and things def get triggered. I left the workshop feeling better than I have in a long time . . . and even though I have some anxiety today I feel more hopeful that I can continue to be healthy and take care of myself.”

“I was nervous before the workshop, but there was such a safe environment created, that it felt truly safe to share my experience. We laughed and cried, we felt all the feelings, and it felt so uniting to hear other people share things that I also felt. I especially loved how we left with specific practices we can do when we are in our normal life. Thank you!!”

We facilitate private workshops for leadership teams, businesses, churches, families, and other community groups.