Here to be healed

My ancestral lineage, upbringing, and environment concocted challenges in my life that presented a very physical path to wisdom. My body has carried me through a pilgrimage of societal constrictions, lack of boundaries with my gifts of sensitivity, and an auto-immune illness that all helped lead me back home to myself. I am honored that this path chose me and it is my privilege to share the gems I’ve picked up along the way.


My Mission

My mission is to serve the whole, in my unique way. I am here to share what I’ve learned about letting go and leaning in. My life thus far has presented a physical path to healing all parts of my life. Getting lupus a decade ago taught me that I needed to know that I mattered, and I had to learn that it was literal first.

After most my life not living from my body, when I finally allowed the full weight of my being to be felt and embraced, I realized that “you matter” is as literal as it is figurative. You matter on purpose. You matter for a purpose. And healing and living into your purpose is a lot harder when you are separate from your body. Most of us learn early to bypass our bodies, to begrudge them, feel betrayed when they don’t “behave”, and to isolate in shame or guilt for our experience in them. We don’t learn that our body is us. We separate, dissociate, disconnect, and override.

I believe that just by existing in this time and space means you have a profound part to play. You are here on purpose. And becoming more awake to your purpose means realizing the gift that you are, alive in the present moment, embodying your truth so that you might best serve the whole, in your unique way.


The nitty gritty.

To ensure a level of transparency, here are more things you might be curious about before deciding to work with me.

  • I am a straight, white, femme bodied person who uses she/they pronouns.

    I am celebrate my bloodlines from Irish, Mohawk, and Western European peoples.

    I was born in upstate New York, on the Onondowga, Seneca and Cayugan lands. I currently live and practice in Gresham, OR, on the unceded, traditional lands of many Native American tribes including the Multnomah, Clackamas, Chinook, Kalapuya and Molalla Peoples.

  • I ever yearn towards the embodiment of the healing justice values I hold. This means I center the work of addressing my biases and making use of my privilege to work for more equitable healing spaces. Inspired and challenged by the teachings of BIPOC, LGTBQ+, disability justice, intersectional feminist healers and elders, I seek outside support in helping me decolonize my practice and the larger spheres of healing.

  • Bachelor of Art in Business, Warner Pacific University, Portland, OR

    Certified Somatic Therapist, The Somatic Therapy Center, Philadelphia, PA (Several years study plus hundreds of supervised client hours.)

    In process- Certified Somatic Stress Release Practitioner, The Embody Lab.

  • In our relationship I do not see myself as your authority. I have given my life to this work, and I too am practicing it and always co-healing. I believe this is important to note because I will not have answers for you. In somatic therapy the answers all derive from your own body. I will help get you there, but you will be doing the work. I see my role as a sacred honor to witness your growth and act as a guardian who reflects back, digs in, and venerates your process.