Here to be healed

Transformative Touch

“Physical touch heals the nervous system. It strengthens the immune system. We are meant to touch and be touched on a regular basis. And not just in attempt to have sexual intimacy” - Dr. Nicole LePera, the Holistic Psychologist

“Touch brings you back home to yourself. Touch is the gateway to the body’s knowing.” -Joe Weldon & Noël Wight, the Somatic Therapy Center

My favorite part of my work as a somatic therapist is guiding people into their somatic experiences through a somatic therapy teaching called Transformative Touch.

Transformative Touch is a lineage of Somatic Therapy which marries ancient wisdom with cutting edge neuroscience. This practice bridges the gap between the mind and body, to get you thinking, speaking, and articulating directly from an embodied experience. It’s an invitation into the different landscapes of the body, and explores how different sensations have different voices and messages for us.

As your practitioner I will use gentle touch and light movement on major nervous system areas to help facilitate awareness into the somatic experiences occurring in your body. Practicing listening to your body together; I will reflect back questions for embodied inquiry, offer nervous system nuggets to contemplate, and uphold a banner of patience and gentleness for the internal journey of learning how to hear and converse with your body.

Transformative Touch is a form of somatic therapy directed by Noel Wight and Joe Weldon of The Somatic Therapy Center in Philadelphia, PA. This work derives inspiration from many including: Ida Rolf, FM Alexander, Moshe Feldenkrais, Charlotte Silver, Thomas Hanna, Stephen Porges, Ilana Rubenfeld, and Fritz Perls.


Trust the Process

After a lifetime of somatic bypassing, it can feel scary to listen to your body

It takes courage to listen to all parts of you

But in the process of hearing what your body is experiencing, a transformation occurs

An ease of knowing you can have your own back emerges

Learn how to nurture and honor all parts of your self

We use touch because touch provides powerful access to compassion for our humanity.