• I am not. I am a certified somatic therapist, which is different. I do not pathologize, prescribe, or diagnose.

    As a somatic therapist I teach you about the nervous system, and help you understand yourself from a perspective that is commonly bypassed and overlooked.

    I see my role as a somatic therapist to be more of a guide and facilitator, someone that holds the space for you to access your body’s wisdom and intuition, reflect back what I am hearing, and share some neuroscience nuggets along the way.

  • In traditional therapy you can expect to talk about what’s going on, get into the past with story and narrative.

    In somatic therapy we are taking you as you come in today, and letting your body decide what is present. This means both “good” and “bad” feelings are given the same amount of attention.

    Since the body has carried you through your whole life, it remembers everything that has happened to you. Sometimes in talk therapy we go to uncovering parts of our story in hopes of finding answers to our suffering, but for some that can be difficult to remember, and sometime re-traumatizing. In somatic sessions we encounter the story through the way the body feels it, and learn to allow the felt experience to teach us more about what is happening with us.

  • In a typical session we begin with an arrival process, giving you time to ground into the present moment after the drive here and take time to really sense into your body about what is present for you in the moment.

    From here we will have a short check in about what has been coming up, and if there is anything you were hoping to explore. We explore educational nuggets as well as somatic tools for you to take home with you.

    When you are ready we move to a massage table, you are fully clothed in comfortable attire, and then we practice arriving on the table, and do an interior check to see what you notice about how you are feeling in the transition.

    With gentle touch on major nervous system hubs (your feet, hips, shoulders and head) I will request for you to describe what sensations are present. From there we will use somatic language and explore any insights that arise.

  • Anybody! Somatic therapy is for anyone that feels called to process their life through their body.

    This work is for anyone seeking to integrate whole body emotional wellbeing into their life.

    I work with people from all walks of life, and also specialize in supporting whose with autoimmune conditions, people struggling with body connection, and those who experience exhaustion.

  • Many reasons! Somatic therapy addresses many needs including:

    • Trauma (relational, systemic, developmental) & PTSD

    • recovering a sense of agency

    • chronic illness & chronic pain

    • stress, anxiety, hyper-vigilance

    • to bring physical and emotional ease

    • increase awareness

    • relationship conflict

    • grief & loss

    • psychedelic integration

    • to demystify your nervous system

    • to heal the relationship to your body (disordered eating, body dysmorphia)

    • to find boundaries, needs, and self-esteem

    • increase emotional intelligence

    • depression and expression

    • insecurity, shame, & co-dependency

    • spiritual inquiry

    • for many it’s a self-care ritual that energizes them to continue doing their work in this world

  • $155 per 75 minute sessions.

    All sessions are 75 minutes.

    Sliding scale slots are full. Contact via email or contact page to get on waitlist for sliding scale spots.

  • Because this deep, transformational work is most effective with a certain degree of consistency and commitment, I mainly work with folks who are able to meet weekly.

    Bi-monthly sessions are recommended after an extended period of weekly sessions for longer term, ongoing support.

  • We recently opened a somatic sanctuary, a 200 square foot studio, set in my beautiful backyard garden.

  • For prospective new clients, please book a free consultation in my Appointments tab to set up our first phone call to discuss your needs and what working together might look like.

    If you are ready to move forward to next steps, we will discuss scheduling, frequency, and cost.

    Then you will be emailed our terms of service and initial paperwork to complete at home in your own timing.

    When all of this is ready to go we will contact you to schedule your first session.

    For returning somatic therapy clients, you will receive an email with a link to schedule sessions, as well as have the opportunity to schedule direct through the website.

  • Yes! Remote sessions are fabulous and effective, and allow me to be in a intimate setting with folks from around the world.

    If you are not in the area or are traveling we are able to do sessions remotely. The general layout of a session is the same, but in this dynamic I may ask you to use self touch or props to engage in the somatic channel.