Community Nervous System School

Sign up, it’s FREE!

Join us in this time devoted to the illumination of your nervous system!

- This is a great place to dip your toe in if you've ever been curious about the nervous system or somatic therapy. 

- Consider bringing a journal to jot down notes or to use for experiential practices. 

- No verbal/group participation is necessary. 

- Zoom link will be sent upon signup. 

-​ 10 min into, 40 min educational with some experiential practices, 10 min shares/questions.

- Replay will be sent out within 48 hours for those that cannot make it live. 

- Invite a friend to learn something together!

We hold the belief that the more diverse groups of people that learn how our nervous systems work, the more we will begin to deepen the current knowledge of the field. Not to mention a deepening of our cultures emotional intelligence and the shifts that occur in the overall honoring of our humanity.

This class is totally free/donation based. Pay absolutely nothing, just a little, or more as a pay it forward. Most of all, don’t let a lack of funds be a hinderance to you learning with us

Thank you for joining!
